We Have Finance Recruiting Experience in a Wide Range of Roles

Finance Specialist

Finance Manager

Senior Finance Manager

Financial Analyst

Sr. Financial Analyst

Manager FP&A

Sr. Manager FP&A

Finance Business Partner

Manager Finance and Accounting

Sr. Manager Finance and Accounting

Director, Finance

Payroll Manager

SR. Manager Payroll

Payroll Specialist

Total Rewards Manager

Director, Payroll/Compensation

Accounting Manager

Sr. Accounting Manager

VP Accounting

Accounting Specialist

Director, Accounting

Meet Our Finance Recruiters

The IQ PARTNERS Advantage

5 Reasons to Hire IQ PARTNERS as your Finance Recruitment Agency

Focused on Finance

We’re not just in the market when we have an assignment. We have recruiters who are 100% focused on recruiting finance and accounting professionals, day in and day out.

Deep Candidate Network

We have over 14,000 accounting and finance candidates in our network and talk to over a hundred every day.

Proven Track Record

We place hundreds of finance and accounting professionals every year. Experience you can draw on.

Got A Specific Need?

We specialize in select fields, including accounting policy, analysis, budgeting, finance reporting, tax, internal auditing, data-mining / analytics, and core accounting.

Trusted by Clients and Candidates

97% of candidates and clients rate our professionalism and industry knowledge as ‘Above Average’ or ‘Outstanding.’

How We Help You Hire Better

We deliver not just the best finance people ON the market but the best ones IN the market.

We’re not a passive recruitment agency. We don’t just post your position and hope for the best. We’ve learned that the best finance and accounting people - the ones that combine that magic mix of attention to detail with a collaborative personality - aren’t usually looking. They’re busy and need to be wooed.

We’re a direct contact headhunter with a database of over 14,000 proven finance & accounting candidates, a fresh network that sees us talk to hundreds a day, and a reputation for professionalism and knowledge that translates to the top performers taking our calls. That means we’re probably already talking to your next great hire and can quickly connect you with the finance & accounting talent that will take your company to the next level.

Read What Our Clients Are Saying

IQ PARTNERS is that rare breed in the contract recruitment world that knows both their clients and candidates for their short-term needs and long-term ambitions.

, Director - Finance

In light of my dual legal and accounting background, I was impressed with the fact that I met initially with two people, one responsible for accounting searches and one for legal.

, Director - Finance
We work with clients worldwide
We’ve worked with clients across North America and worldwide, from Toronto to Hong Kong to Oulu, Finland.
Map of where IQ PARTNERS places talent
Top 5 Traits of a Financial Guru

The world of finance is changing at a pace that is difficult to keep up with. You need finance talent that can help you stay ahead of the market long-term; not someone who is here today and with your competition tomorrow. Use the traits in this paper as a checklist to assess and score candidates as you interview.

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