How Many Job Interview Rounds is Too Many?

How Many Job Interview Rounds is Too Many?

May 7th, 2024

Receiving a request for a second job interview is a welcome request. The company you are interviewing with has an interest in you and thinks you could be the right candidate for the job. You…

How to Ace a Second Interview: 8 Tips from an Executive Search Firm

How to Ace a Second Interview: 8 Tips from an Executive Search Firm

October 12th, 2023

You’ve had a successful first interview and you’ve been invited to a second. Even though it may seem like another hurdle, it’s a great sign. You’re on the short list of candidates and you have…

Is Following Up Outdated? When and How to Follow Up After Your Interview

Is Following Up Outdated? When and How to Follow Up After Your Interview

August 19th, 2021

You’ve been called for a job interview. You have the interview. It goes well and you think you have a shot at getting the job. Now you wait to hear back from the employer. A…

5 Potential Reasons You Aren’t Getting a Call Back After Interviewing

5 Potential Reasons You Aren’t Getting a Call Back After Interviewing

October 20th, 2020

So, you got a job interview with a finance firm. You have the interview, and you think it went well. Now, it’s time to play the waiting game, but the call you want never comes….

Not Sure How to Follow Up After a Job Interview? Here are 8 Tips and a Sample Email

Not Sure How to Follow Up After a Job Interview? Here are 8 Tips and a Sample Email

August 27th, 2020

Following up after a job interview is a must. It’s a core part of the job application process, yet many candidates overlook its importance. In some cases, sending a follow up could be the difference…