Hire Wisdom: How to Get More Out of Your Next Reference Check

Hire Wisdom: How to Get More Out of Your Next Reference Check

November 27th, 2014

Key 10 in my blog series, Hire Wisdom: The 12 Keys to Successful Hiring, is Perform Reference Checks. When I started writing this blog post, all I kept thinking was…“How can I get people to care about reference checks?” That’s because conducting reference checks have become one of the least meaningful parts of the hiring process. People have started to think of them as a final box to check, a task to “get out of the way” when the candidate has all but signed on the dotted line… but they’re wrong! Thinking of reference checks this way is a missed opportunity. Remember, a bad hire is costly, both in time and money – the cost of attrition is one to three times an employee’s salary!

Interview Tips From a Headhunter: 8 Things Rock Star Candidates Always Do

Interview Tips From a Headhunter: 8 Things Rock Star Candidates Always Do

November 13th, 2014

As a headhunter, you recognize them almost as soon as you meet them. That rock star candidate who will stand out from the rest and be much more likely to be offered the job. Why? Because the top notch candidates, the ones with passion as well as prowess, share a number of common characteristics.

Hire Better