Getting good grades, doing well in school and getting a college or university degree was once regarded as the path people must take to get a good job. And it still is a great way to set yourself up for a strong career. 

But, the way we work has also changed. People now have alternative career paths in many industries. I recently brought this topic up with some of our Software recruiters. As part of this discussion, I posed several questions. Below are answers to questions related to if you still need a job in today’s job market. 

Are Degrees Worth It Anymore?

There has been a lot of chatter about whether degrees are worth it or needed in today’s job market. While some argue you don’t “need” a degree, they are still very valuable. When you go to school and pursue a degree, you learn and develop more than formal knowledge in a specific subject area. You develop highly valuable soft skills, make new contacts, expand your network, and acquire a specialized skill set. So yes, degrees are still worth it today. 

Will There Always Be Professions That Require A Degree?

There will always be some professions that require a degree. Medicine, law, engineering, and STEM-related careers are at the top of the list. However, there are also others, it can be argued, where having a degree is less important. For example, jobs where performance takes precedence, such as service, sales, and even marketing.

Could Degree Requirements Hurt Employers and Hinder Their Recruiting Abilities?

Plenty of successful professionals did not take the traditional route to build their careers. Having too stringent academic requirements could be potentially detrimental to a company’s ability to recruit. Top candidates come in all shapes and sizes. If an organization automatically eliminates candidates without specific degree requirements, you could significantly reduce your talent pool. 

More Common Questions Our Recruiters Get About Degree Requirements

Here are some common questions I get from job candidates about whether or not they still need a degree in today’s job market:

Can I get a job without a degree in Canada?

Yes. There are plenty of jobs and careers that do not require a degree. However, it will be challenging to compete with other talent if you do not have extensive experience in your industry. 

What is more important, degree or experience?

It depends on many factors. The first is the type of job and industry. It also depends on how a specific company weighs degree versus experience. You have to consider degree vs experience on a case-by-case basis. 

If a job requires a degree should I still apply?

Yes. If you feel you have a large percentage of the job qualifications, but lack the specific degree requirements, it’s perfectly okay for you to apply for a job. 

Your need for a degree today will largely depend on the career you want to pursue. At the end of the day, the best talent rises to the top. Having a degree will not hurt you and it can help you get your foot in the door.  

Read More About Degree Requirements By Our Headhunters

Is it Worth it to Get a Master’s Degree?

Do You Need a Degree to Get a High-Paying Job?

4 High Paying Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree

Priscilla Poirier

Priscilla is a Recruitment Consultant whose primary focus is recruiting for contract positions within the IT, Finance, and HR functions. With more than four years of experience as a specialized contract recruiter, within the IT & Finance sectors, Priscilla truly enjoys what she does. She loves that recruitment allows her to meet amazing new people every day, and is thrilled when she can make someone’s day by letting them know they GOT THE JOB!

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