At this point, everyone is over the pandemic. We are all waiting for when it will finally be safe to open up the economy. Many people are waiting to make a career move or for more opportunities to come along. For organizations, hiring after the pandemic is on most companies’ to-do list.

hiring after the pandemic

Expect there to be a lot of activity once things get rolling again. There will be some jobs in particular that will be in high demand. To give you a glimpse of what you can expect, we’ve curated a list of the hottest post-pandemic jobs.


The 5 Hottest Jobs Post-Pandemic

There are a lot of people who lost their job because of the pandemic. Most were in industries that did not allow them to work remotely. Many of the top jobs that will be available post-pandemic will mirror the types of jobs that were cut when COVID-19 shut down large parts of the economy.

Here are some of the hottest and most in-demand jobs you can expect to see become available as the government eases restrictions on the economy:

  1. Customer service: Once customers start coming back to stores, restaurants, and entertainment facilities, companies are going to need customer service representatives to assist them.
  2. Administration: Look for companies to fill the jobs they were forced to cut in administration such as reception, data entry, assistants, and other administrative roles.
  3. Construction and skilled trades: As previously delayed building projects get underway, look for companies to hire more construction and skilled trades professionals from entry-level up.
  4. Health and safety: The pandemic has created new safety concerns for all organizations. Look for companies to create new roles to address new public safety protocols.
  5. Manufacturing: Expect to see an uptick in production once companies can go back to full-time operations.

These are only a few areas where you can expect to see a spike in hiring.

Read More About the Post-Pandemic Workplace on Our Recruitment Blog

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Riel LaPointe Financial Recruiter

Riel LaPointe

Riel is a VP of Client Services with IQ PARTNERS where he recruits across the full scope of multiple lines of business, with a particular focus in Financial Services & Insurance, Technology, Human Resources, and Real Estate Services.

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