What To Do If You Get Laid Off: 8 Steps To Success

What To Do If You Get Laid Off: 8 Steps To Success

May 28th, 2024

No one wants to get laid off, but it happens, even to the best of us. Economic, leadership, and industry changes can impact your career. Most times it’s out of our control. What you can…

Was Being Laid Off a Blessing in Disguise? 4 Tips to Improve Your Resume

Was Being Laid Off a Blessing in Disguise? 4 Tips to Improve Your Resume

April 16th, 2020

There are two ways to look at getting laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can see it as unfortunate or you can view it as a blessing in disguise. During times like these, it’s…

The Shocking and Not So Shocking Reasons People Get Fired

The Shocking and Not So Shocking Reasons People Get Fired

October 3rd, 2017

Employees get fired. They get “let go.” They get laid off. It’s part of how the work world operates. Getting fired can have a huge impact on you, and it can it can follow you…