Innovative Ways to Attract Talent

Innovative Ways to Attract Talent

May 14th, 2015

It is no secret that competition for the best talent has never been fiercer. Innovative companies are going to greater lengths than ever to attract and retain the best of the best, so how do you keep up? In this blog I’ll break down where to start with your talent acquisition plan and how companies are thinking outside the box to attract the very best in the market.

IQ In the News: Ross Campbell on Credit Checks to Screen Job Applicants

IQ In the News: Ross Campbell on Credit Checks to Screen Job Applicants

May 12th, 2015

IQ PARTNERS’ Ross Campbell was asked by CBC Radio – The Current to speak on the widespread use of credit checks to screen job applicants in Canada. He contributes to the dialogue from the point of view of a Financial Services & Insurance recruiter, an industry that relies heavily on credit checks in employment screening.

Hire Wisdom: Retain Your Employees with 8 Small Changes

Hire Wisdom: Retain Your Employees with 8 Small Changes

January 15th, 2015

It’s easy for business leaders to get caught up in day-to-day business needs and forget that leading and developing their team is just as important as that quarterly report that’s due next week. Your top employees are getting calls from your competition, so it’s important to give them a reason to stay. How? By hiring the right people, being available to them, and committing to their development. Use these 8 employee engagement and retention strategies to develop and retain your top talent.

Hire Wisdom: New Employee Onboarding – How to Hit the Ground Running

Hire Wisdom: New Employee Onboarding – How to Hit the Ground Running

December 11th, 2014

The first day on a new job can be tough for new employees, but it doesn’t have to be. Onboarding is the process of integrating a new hire into the company and helping them acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective organizational members and insiders. There is certainly a range in terms of how and how well companies onboard. Most of us have had experiences on both ends of the spectrum at some point in our careers… so we know that effective onboarding makes a world of difference, both in productivity and feeling “at home”, engaged, competent, and committed.

Hire Wisdom: How to Get More Out of Your Next Reference Check

Hire Wisdom: How to Get More Out of Your Next Reference Check

November 27th, 2014

Key 10 in my blog series, Hire Wisdom: The 12 Keys to Successful Hiring, is Perform Reference Checks. When I started writing this blog post, all I kept thinking was…“How can I get people to care about reference checks?” That’s because conducting reference checks have become one of the least meaningful parts of the hiring process. People have started to think of them as a final box to check, a task to “get out of the way” when the candidate has all but signed on the dotted line… but they’re wrong! Thinking of reference checks this way is a missed opportunity. Remember, a bad hire is costly, both in time and money – the cost of attrition is one to three times an employee’s salary!

Hire Wisdom: 7 Tips from a Headhunter on Closing a Candidate – Pt. 2

Hire Wisdom: 7 Tips from a Headhunter on Closing a Candidate – Pt. 2

October 16th, 2014

Presenting a low ball offer to a candidate to save a few dollars on their salary is just bad business.
If you want a good employee who will spring out of bed in the morning to come and work for you, and stay for the long run, then pay them what they’re worth. A rookie mistake is to assume the salary you gave the last person in the role is good enough for a future employee. Salaries are dependent on the candidate and the market; how much could they get elsewhere? Remember that last year’s market prices or what you feel the market prices should be are irrelevant. Do some research to ensure the salary you offer is competitive.

Hire Wisdom: 7 Tips from a Headhunter on Closing a Candidate – Pt. 1

Hire Wisdom: 7 Tips from a Headhunter on Closing a Candidate – Pt. 1

October 13th, 2014

Most often a meaningful job with a lower salary will be chosen over a less meaningful job with a higher salary.
But what makes a job meaningful? Opportunities for advancement, feeling challenged, and making a real impact are some of the common factors. Outline how the candidate can progress through the company and how they will be challenged. How does the company as a whole, and that role in particular, make a difference in the world?

Hire Wisdom: How to Implement an Applicant Tracking System that Works

Hire Wisdom: How to Implement an Applicant Tracking System that Works

August 21st, 2014

It may seem like an impersonal approach to hiring, but I believe that, when used well, ATS’s can actually help you create an exceptional candidate experience, maintain relationships with top candidates, build your company brand, and ultimately attract more top talent. I’ve seen way too many mid-sized and even larger companies who have yet to get on board with an ATS to help them organize job candidates. The right people are the most important part of your company, so you cannot afford not to invest.

Hire Wisdom: 6 Tips to Respect the Candidate throughout the Hiring Process

Hire Wisdom: 6 Tips to Respect the Candidate throughout the Hiring Process

June 26th, 2014

In my career in Executive Search, I have been overwhelmed by candidates’ negative experiences with companies throughout the hiring process. A negative experience during this stage can not only lose you the candidate, but also kill your company brand in the marketplace. Also, whoever you do end up hiring will already have a bad taste in their mouth, even before their first day on the job!

Hire Better