Rejection is part of the job search process. You won’t receive a job offer from every company you interview with, even if you really want to work for the company. But persistence pays off. If there is an organization where you really want to work, it’s okay to re-apply after getting rejected, especially if you had a really strong interview and made it to the final round of interviews. 

Our recruitment agency in Toronto has seen countless great candidates get rejected by a company only to re-apply in the future and get hired. Our recruiters have put together the following list of tips for applying to a company that once rejected you:

recruitment agency toronto tips for applying to a company that rejected you

Learn from your mistakes/shortcomings

There is always a reason why you didn’t get the job. Perhaps you just got beat out by a more qualified and experienced candidate. That’s perfectly okay. It happens. But it could also be that you lacked a certain skill or type of experience. 

This is why it’s important to always follow up and request feedback, even if you didn’t get the job. The hiring manager or recruiter may be able to give you some insights into the reasons why you weren’t selected this time. If you received feedback, put it into action. 

Update your resume

Updating your resume, cover letter, and any job application materials is especially important if you didn’t get a call for an interview. Carefully review your resume and look for opportunities to make it better. Think of areas you can highlight about your skills and experience that will make you a more appealing candidate this time around. 

Leverage your connections in the company

Making connections is an important part of the job search process. You’ll come in contact with many different people. Staying in contact with a hiring manager or other people within the organization will help you build a relationship. It can also help you find someone to champion you internally—someone who’ll advocate for you from inside the company. This can increase your chances of getting another interview when new opportunities become available. 

Explain how you’ve become an even better candidate since you last spoke

It’s important to make the distinction about why you are a better candidate now. What have you been doing since the last time you applied? Have you added other skills? Worked on different projects? Gained more experience? Highlight how you’ve grown professionally and why you are a stronger candidate now. 

People get rejected. But if you really want to work for a certain employer, it’s okay to reapply when another appealing job becomes available. 


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IQ PARTNERS is an Executive Search & Recruitment firm supporting clients across Canada and internationally. We help companies hire better, hire less & retain more. We have specialist teams of recruiters in Executive Search / Board & C-Suite, Technology, Media, Digital & Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Financial Services & Insurance, Startup, Data Science, Consumer, eCommerce & Retail, HR, Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Engineering, Construction & Engineering, Legal & Professional Services, Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences, and Sales. Click here to view current job openings and to register with us.

Karen Quan Accounting Recruiter

Guanping (Karen) Quan

Karen is a Recruitment Consultant who specializes in connecting public accounting firms with the top accounting professionals in the industry. Karen graduated from Rotman Commerce at The University of Toronto with a specialization in Finance. Karen has built relationships with the top accounting talent and public accounting firms in Toronto and Vancouver. She prides herself on engaging with and sourcing those hard-to-find superstars.

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