The holiday season is upon us once again. As in years past, many companies are busy finishing projects, making plans and forecasts for next year, and many are looking forward to some time off after the holiday rush. One thing that may not be on the top of a company’s to-do list is hiring over the holidays. People in recruitment and other industries commonly refer to this as the holiday hiring freeze. However, there are still companies that hire people during the holiday season. 

Legal recruiters how to navigate the holiday hiring freeze


As a job seeker, you may find that things slow down with your job search this time of year. You may see fewer job ads, companies are slower to process applications and get back to candidates with job interview requests. With companies occupied with a variety of other tasks, you may be tempted to take a break and pick things back up in the new year. But before you postpone your search, our legal recruiters offer up some advice for how you can successfully navigate the holiday hiring freeze. 

Keep your job search going over the holidays

There are a lot of people who stop applying over the holidays. They get busy with family and holiday celebrations. This is an opportunity for you. Companies will still post jobs, so it’s important for you to keep an eye on job boards and stay connected with recruiters in case a good opportunity arises. So, continue to actively look for new opportunities, especially when there is less competition from other applicants. 

Look for ways to make yourself a more attractive candidate

If you find yourself with some extra time over the holidays, it’s a great opportunity to review your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and your overall approach to your job search. Look at these things critically. Do they accurately represent you? Are there things you could improve? Make clearer? Are there certain skills or experiences you want to highlight more?

Work on your interview skills

Your resume won’t get you a job; it will get you an interview. It’s the interview that helps you secure the job. So, it’s always good to review your interview performance, especially if you tend to get nervous or anxious about the interview process. Review interview questions and answers. Think about previous interview questions or situations where you could improve. Ask a trusted individual to do some mock interviews. You could practice these over the phone, via video, or in person. 

Consider a temporary gig

If you are not having much success finding a position, and are currently out of work, consider taking a seasonal, part-time, or temporary position to fill the void. You can make some extra cash over the holidays while continuing your job search. It’s a great way to fill a gap on your resume and it shows other employers you are motivated. 

The holidays are a time to relax, but they can also be a great opportunity to find a job or at least improve yourself as a candidate. Don’t wait until the new year like everyone else. 


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IQ PARTNERS is an Executive Search & Recruitment firm supporting clients across Canada and internationally. We help companies hire better, hire less & retain more. We have specialist teams of recruiters in Executive Search / Board & C-Suite, Technology, Media, Digital & Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Financial Services & Insurance, Startup, Data Science, Consumer, eCommerce & Retail, HR, Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Engineering, Construction & Engineering, Legal & Professional Services, Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences, and Sales. Click here to view current job openings and to register with us.

Karen Quan Accounting Recruiter

Guanping (Karen) Quan

Karen is a Recruitment Consultant who specializes in connecting public accounting firms with the top accounting professionals in the industry. Karen graduated from Rotman Commerce at The University of Toronto with a specialization in Finance. Karen has built relationships with the top accounting talent and public accounting firms in Toronto and Vancouver. She prides herself on engaging with and sourcing those hard-to-find superstars.

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