People quit their jobs for many reasons. Most often, they quit because they’ve found a better opportunity, they’re taking the next step in their career, or they have issues with their boss or organization. Regardless of your reason for quitting, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.

Here, we’ll outline the wrong way to quit. Here are some things you should never say when you are exiting an organization:

Women in finance

Things NOT to Say When Quitting

There are just some things you should avoid saying and talking about when you are in your last few weeks with a company, even if you believe them to be true. Don’t say the following:

This Company Sucks

Even though you may have reason to, don’t run down the company on your way out. This isn’t going to do anything but make you seem petty and unprofessional. Also, avoid speaking ill of your previous employer when starting your new position. You could rub people the wrong way.

Spilling the Beans on Employees X,Y,Z

Throwing other employees under the bus on your way out will not only hurt them, it could hurt you as well. You never know who you may work with or for in the future. Plus, you don’t know who your new company may consult as part of their hiring process.

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I’m Not Training My Replacement

It’s important to go out gracefully. For some positions, especially if you’ve been in a role for a long time, may mean helping the organization transition. Many companies may ask you to train your replacement. After all, you know the role best. Do your best to help the company transition from your exit.

My New Job Is So Much Better

Bragging about your new job to other employees can leave a bad taste in people’s mouths, especially those you may need as a reference or could work with in the future.

How you quit can have a big impact on your career in the future. Even though you may want to, avoid speaking poorly of your former organization, coworkers and management. You never know—you may want to come back and work for the company again in the future.

In a future blog, we’ll take a look at the right way to quit your job. Stay tuned!

Learn More about The Reasons People Quit

Why Do People Quit? Report Suggests 3 Key Factors Predict Employee Turnover

I QUIT! The 3 Most Likely Times for Employees to Quit

5 Tips from a Headhunter on How NOT to Quit (video)


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Priscilla Poirier

Priscilla is a Recruitment Consultant whose primary focus is recruiting for contract positions within the IT, Finance, and HR functions. With more than four years of experience as a specialized contract recruiter, within the IT & Finance sectors, Priscilla truly enjoys what she does. She loves that recruitment allows her to meet amazing new people every day, and is thrilled when she can make someone’s day by letting them know they GOT THE JOB!

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