Getting an offer of employment is a great feeling. There is nothing like the satisfaction of when your hard work pays off. But what if you have more than one job offer to consider? It can be a tricky situation to navigate.

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed. You want to make the right decision. You want to choose the best opportunity. If you juggle the job offers in the wrong way, you could even up losing all of them if you are not careful.

Toronto Recruiters share how to juggle multiple job offers

If you find yourself in a situation where you have to choose from multiple job offers, our Toronto recruiters recommend you consider the following before making a final decision:


Get Your Offer of Employment in Writing

The job offer isn’t real until you get things in writing. Getting a verbal offer is great, but you need to make sure you have the offer on paper before you make a decision. If you have a verbal offer, ask about when you can expect to get a formal offer in writing. This will give you a better understanding of the timeframe you are working with.

Review All Aspects of the Job Offers

While two jobs may seem similar, they can still be very different. Think beyond the job title, salary, and company name. Do the offers fall in line with your career goals? Compare the company cultures, the work-life balance offered the people you would be working with, and other factors. Which job is the best long-term move for you?

Request More Time If You Can’t Decide

The last thing you want to do is hastily accept an offer and then retract it a short time later.  When you accept an offer, the company will start the process of onboarding you. They will also stop the recruiting process for the position. If you retract your acceptance, you are doing them a disservice and putting them in a tough spot. You will also hurt your reputation and you will be viewed as unprofessional.

Honesty Is the Best Policy

Be upfront about your situation with both potential employers (or your recruiter if you’re working with one). For one, it could spark a fire under an employer to show how much they really want to hire you. It also gives them a heads up that you may not take the job. Be honest. They will appreciate it. If you’re working with a recruiter, the best policy is to be transparent throughout the entire process in terms of all companies you’re interviewing with so that they can represent you best.

Concerned a Top Candidate Has Multiple Offers? Read These Blogs

Have you found a top candidate whom you want to hire right away? Concerned they have interest from other employers? Check out these blogs for insights about how to manage this situation:

Top Reasons Why Candidates Decline Job Offers, Besides Money

5 Tips to Close a Top Job Candidate Who Has Multiple Job Offers

4 Tips to Make a Strong Job Offer to a Finance Candidate


IQ PARTNERS is an Executive Search & Recruitment firm supporting clients across the country. We help companies hire better, hire less & retain more. We have specialist teams of recruiters in Executive Search / Board & C-Suite, Technology, Media, Digital & Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Financial Services & Insurance, Cannabis, Startup, Data Science, Consumer, eCommerce & Retail, Operations & HR, Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Engineering, Legal & Professional Services, Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences, Non-Profit & Sustainability, and Sales. IQ PARTNERS has its head office in Toronto. Click here to view current job openings and to register with us.

Tanya Schwartz Toronto Recruiter

Tanya Schwartz

Tanya is a Senior Director, Client Services, with more than 20 years of experience headhunting across numerous industry sectors, including Fashion, Operations & HR, Manufacturing, Administration, Retail, and Sales Recruitment. Her broad and lengthy track record of experience makes her a go-to partner for searches across all industries.

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