Having to make cuts to your staff, doing a round of layoffs, and downsizing your workforce is a reality of running a business. It’s not an easy thing to do and not only affects the people you had to let go, it significantly affects the people who still work for your company. They are the ones who will have to shoulder the extra workload. Plus, they are likely also concerned about their job security and may question your company’s motives and future.

Low morale, a dip in productivity, and lack of engagement are all common after downsizing. Companies need to address employees after layoffs to keep the team informed and engaged.

Here are some important tips from Toronto recruiters to maintain the status quo after a round of layoffs:

1. Be Transparent About the Decision

It’s very important to be open and honest with what led up to the decision. You need to communicate clearly and go out of your way to keep your team up to date. Set aside some time for your employees to ask questions about what led to the layoffs, why you took the approach you did, and how you came to your decision. Be forthcoming with explaining the decision. It’s not the time to keep your team in the dark about the situation.

2. Get the Team Involved in the Plan to Move Forward

Your organization will need to move forward. Company operations and people’s roles may change. One of the most effective ways to re-engage your team is to get them involved in setting the new direction. Ask for their input into how work should be distributed, get ideas about what should be prioritized and which projects need to be set aside for the time being. The more you involve the team, the easier it will be to move forward during this temperamental time.

3. Be Sensitive to the Emotional Component of the Decision

Layoffs have an emotional impact on your employees. Some of their colleagues and friends may have been let go. Your team may also be questioning their role and future. There will be concern about what they should expect going forward.

Acknowledge that this is not an ideal time. Acknowledge that it’s okay for your team members to feel the way they do. Give them some space and time to take the necessary steps to get back on track.

Get More Tips From Toronto Recruiters to Keep Your Employees Engaged

5 Employee Engagement Trends That Could Hurt Your Company

Employee Retention: Why Employee Engagement Matters

The State of Employee Engagement: Are Your Employees Engaged?


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Riel LaPointe Financial Recruiter

Riel LaPointe

Riel is a VP of Client Services with IQ PARTNERS where he recruits across the full scope of multiple lines of business, with a particular focus in Financial Services & Insurance, Technology, Human Resources, and Real Estate Services.

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