6 Unintended Consequences of Underpaying Your Employees

6 Unintended Consequences of Underpaying Your Employees

January 30th, 2025

Underpaying your employees, unintentionally or not, can have big consequences for your company. As they say, you get what you pay for. The decision to underpay your employees or pay less than the industry average…

Is This Candidate the Real Deal? 6 Ways to Tell the Difference Between a Top Candidate and Smoke and Mirrors

Is This Candidate the Real Deal? 6 Ways to Tell the Difference Between a Top Candidate and Smoke and Mirrors

August 26th, 2021

You think you have found a great candidate for the job. Their resume looks great, and they are a top contender. But you have also seen this before. You identify who you think to be…

Should You Rush to Rehire Post-Pandemic?

Should You Rush to Rehire Post-Pandemic?

February 25th, 2021

The light at the end of the tunnel has many companies thinking about what reopening will look like. You want to be ready to capitalize as soon as possible once the economy opens. Obviously, this…

Why You Need To Pay Your Employees Above Average Salaries

Why You Need To Pay Your Employees Above Average Salaries

April 4th, 2019

How much do you pay your employees? Do you pay the industry average? Do you pay them as much as your competitors? Paying your employees more than the industry average can be a significant competitive…

The Future of Recruiting in the AI Age

The Future of Recruiting in the AI Age

April 2nd, 2019

Artificial intelligence and automation is starting to affect almost every type of job and industry – recruiting included. We are already seeing the impact of AI on many recruiting tasks. Resume screening and initial video…

Why You Should Consider Non-Traditional Job Candidates

Why You Should Consider Non-Traditional Job Candidates

January 11th, 2019

By Kelly Gauthier, Data Science Recruiter Hiring is an opportunity to improve your team. For many professions, this means finding a candidate who fits a certain mould – someone with a specific degree, experience, and…

Will Modern Technology Replace Recruiters?

Will Modern Technology Replace Recruiters?

May 15th, 2018

For years, people have been saying that technology will kill particular industries. Computer programs, automation and artificial intelligence will replace the need for people and eliminate jobs. The recruitment industry is no different. Each time…

Traditional Talent Acquisition Methods No Longer Effective – Technology Gap to Blame

Traditional Talent Acquisition Methods No Longer Effective – Technology Gap to Blame

May 8th, 2018

By Gary Hinde, Toronto Technology Recruiter The workforce as we know it is changing quickly. Baby boomers are retiring, millennials are stepping into senior and leadership roles, Generation Y is establishing itself, and organizations are…

Active Strategies to Recruit Passive Candidates

Active Strategies to Recruit Passive Candidates

May 1st, 2018

By Bruce Powell, Founder & Executive Recruiter Talent acquisition remains a big challenge for many organizations. In an effort to ramp up recruiting efforts and find the true best talent available, many companies are focusing…

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