How to Spot a Bad Marketing Candidate During an Interview

How to Spot a Bad Marketing Candidate During an Interview

April 15th, 2016

Reading a resume will only tell you so much about a candidate. To really get a sense of what a marketer is all about and what they can offer, you need to bring them in for an interview

The Power of Daily Huddles for Marketing Teams

The Power of Daily Huddles for Marketing Teams

March 29th, 2016

Daily huddles are a power tool that can greatly improve your team’s communication, level of engagement and comradery. All it takes is a few minutes at the beginning of each day

5 Types of Employees Who Can Ruin Your Company Culture and Kill Morale

5 Types of Employees Who Can Ruin Your Company Culture and Kill Morale

March 22nd, 2016

Every company has its share of characters. Employees have many different personality types, and each person you add to your team can have a direct impact on organizational culture, morale and performance.

Is Your Compensation Plan Hurting Your Ability to Attract Top Talent?

Is Your Compensation Plan Hurting Your Ability to Attract Top Talent?

October 8th, 2015

Having a competitive compensation structure will not only help you attract the best talent, it can also motivate your team to perform better, help you achieve organizational goals, and lower your turnover rate.

The 7 Best Interview Moments in Movies

The 7 Best Interview Moments in Movies

August 13th, 2015

Like only Vince Vaughan can, he and Owen Wilson’s character ramble their way through the Google interview question, “You’re shrunken down to the size of nickels and thrown into a blender – what do you do?”

Takeaway: In the face of even the most ridiculous questions, don’t try to ramble your way through it – 90% of the time it will be nonsense. We’ve all been there. Stop, think, and start over.

Take Control of Your Career in 5 Steps

Take Control of Your Career in 5 Steps

April 30th, 2015

Are you just going through the motions at work? Working for the weekend? You’re not alone. According to a Gallup study published in the Harvard Business Review, only 16% of Canadians are engaged in their jobs. So it’s not just you. But remember, your career is your career and you alone are responsible for its growth and direction. Here is how to take control of your career in 5 steps:

9 Steps To Recruiter Proof Your Business

9 Steps To Recruiter Proof Your Business

May 9th, 2013

The cost of employee turnover is higher than you may think. Attrition costs can add up to 1.5 – 5 times the employee’s salary, not to mention the negative cycle that comes with a high turnover rate: Lowered morale, lowered productivity and innovation, poor employment brand and referrals, and lowered customer satisfaction and profitability. Here are nine steps to avoid the cycle and recruiter proof your company.

Deck the Office With Holiday Cheer

Deck the Office With Holiday Cheer

December 12th, 2011

By Judy Sheridan Being an office manager is tough this time of year. It’s often our responsibility to bridge the cultural divide at work and inspire everyone with “holiday” cheer that incorporates traditions from the…